About us

The german government strives for a largely CO2 neutral, renewable energy based energy system by 2050. This can only be achieved, if there is a change not only in the power sector but also in the heating sector. Around 50 percent of the energy consumption in Germany is used for heating.

The mobile heat transport was created by the voluntary organization of Landsberger Energie Agentur LENA e.V. whose goal was it to contribute to energy transition. They identified the massive waste heat produced in biogas and industry plants as a way to contribute to the process of heat transition and investigated the possibilities of using that heat. Developing heat networks is often prohibited by the municipalities. Therefore, the idea of integrating mobile recuperators into biogas plants, waste recycling, trade and industry plants accrued.

A team of engineers from LENA Service GmbH started the project of mobile heat transport in Landsberg am Lech in the beginning of 2018 based on predeveloping the mobile heat storage unit.

The successful development of the project showed an interest in Germany and Europe for utilizing waste heat with mobile heat transport. 2020 swilar eetec GmbH was founded, to fully concentrate on the technical development and manufacturing of the storage units and the distribution.



First interest of the Landsberger Energieagentur to use waste heat


Approval of promotion for the mobile heat transport through the federal ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. 


Foundation of LENA Service GmbH


Start of the mobile heat transport projekt iat the swimmingpool Lechtalbad in Landsberg, initially using storage units by LaTherm


Delievery of the first generation storage unit LENA 2.6 to Rothrist in Switzerland.


Foundation of swilar eetec GmbH


In Landsberg the first optimised storage units made by swilar eetec are put to use


Delievery of 3 storage units for the waste management in Hannover